Monday, December 16, 2013

3 reasons to appreciate wilderness: ( according to ME)

1- It makes you realize who you really are: Your strength, weakness and mostly what you are capable of. Some of us never know what they can endure until they pass through it. 

2- It Draws you closer to God. In your wilderness you see your limitation Allowing God to step in. Which is exactly what you need and one of the reason why you went into the wilderness in the first place. You are not,God is! You Can't, God Can! Its not about You but About God. Those things.. some of us need to enter into the wilderness to understand them. 

3- You discover who really surround you.  Some of us are surrounded by vulture, wolf, and wild animals of all sort.  In other For God to properly Act in your life and give you the blessing He has in store for you,  He first need to clean you. Wilderness serve as a purpose for you to know and learn about the people surrounding you. Who can you truly rely on? who can you trust? In this "cleaning process" People will walk away from you.. let them go they were not part of your journey . Some will disappoint you, break your heart, abandon you reject you. Its good! its part of the process. because God is getting you ready for a new dimension,  there are certain people he will not allow  in your life. They will be vulture stealing your blessing away

 bear in mind that nothing last for ever.. the sun always Rise!