Rise Media ǀ Patoo is a creative and video production studio specialising in branding, graphics design and video production.

Our philosophy is simple: Always more. — More for your brand, More for your image —

We proud ourselves in being a partner you can rely on to provide innovative ideas in a fast and effective ways. We strive to develop a long-lasting relationship built on a foundation of trust and collaboration. 

we aim to bring a dynamic and creative style of production to enhance the corporate branding and image of your business or services to meet with international recognized standards of communication and advertising.

We have a vision to become the leading multi-visual content developer in Cameroon and Central Africa, by creating a meaningful difference in corporate branding and advertising through the power of audiovisual media.

(c)Rise Media-Patoo Designs s.a.r.l, BP 416, Rue Bebey Elame, Tel: +237 33 42 84 35, E-mail: risemediacameroon@gmail.com

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